Saturday 10 January 2015

My letter to the FEMALE kind

Dear Ladies,

I have read, understood, commented, debated, discussed and even yelled about things that are going awry in the city...!! But every single time all I ever did was participate and fight against the injustice as long as there was some momentum to it. All of the crap this city has witnessed or played host to could have been prevented, just with slight but lethal implementation of penal system, stronger sense of responsibility and awareness and most importantly stronger conviction not just with the policy makers and enforcers but also with the civilians.
Recently the Uber cab assault victim said, 'the city has failed me'....!!! I think she is wrong....!! She is still saving us from taking the blame for what she endured, she has protected us... the MEN from being ashamed for what she underwent, it is our irresponsibility for which she paid the price... that noble soul.... . . Let me tell you what the truth is.... It is us the MEN of the city who have failed.... We have failed ourselves, when we couldn't prevent this from happening all over again...
We are big failure.... I am ashamed to call myself MAN because that is what the vandal calls himself too...!!!
We have failed the girl who trusted upon the city because she trusted us that we won't let anything wrong happen to her.... We have failed our city, by not being able to keep our promise of making it free from such vandalism..... We have failed our country, by not being able to protect a fellow citizen.... We have failed our civilization by being such a disgrace.... We have failed our culture, our own existence.... by worshiping girls during day and hunting them down during night...!!!

Just because what one animal or vandal did.... each and every guy is looked upon as a vandal.... All through out one thing has come out.... when we guys walk out... every girl, even the girl next door whom we have known for ages looks at us as if we are potential rapists or criminals...!! Even a simple gesture of a random act of kindness is looked upon with dreaded eyes and suspicion.... our sense of being responsible, protective, shielding are looked upon as stalking threat.... our friendships are doubted as a move to get on to them.... simple and healthy flirt is considered eve teasing and healthy fun/jokes have turned into mental harassment.... feel like publicly castrating them all and tearing them apart with a pitchfork...!!!!
Just because one guy is shit eater, others aren't like him but then as humans we tend to generalize don't we...!!!! We can be your brothers, your dads.... your friends, your boyfriends, your guardians, your neighbors too.... not all of us are animals like them...!!! Please understand this and please trust us...
My new year resolution is that I will prove that I am a MAN in true senses and that I shall not fail ever again....
Every day I imagine saying all this to the girls who stare at me and my group, in DTC buses, metro and all public places and even parties..... but then I am not able the gather the strength because I have something common with those b@st$rds...!!! I am a male just like them....!!! So many times I have cursed myself for being born as a male in India.... but then it reminds me of my responsibility as a guardian, protector, brother, friend, boyfriend, husband, father, lover that I have to stand up to prevent any more such embarrassment to MAN....!!! I have to prove that I am one.... I have to keep my WOMEN safe...!!! but still ashamed my head hangs and droops down to see what my fellow MEN have turned into....!!! BLODDY VANDALS...!!! calling them animals is like abusing animals.... animals are much more sensitive than they are....!!!! My new year resolution.... I will not just stand up.... but I will stand up and fight back... I will stand and help her to fight back....

Failure is not a luxury that I can afford anymore as a MAN.... considering how dirty my society is getting...!!! I will pickup the broom and clean this shit myself.... because I am a MAN....!!!!

Yours very responsibly....!!
Mahadevan B Iyer
A heartbroken MAN

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